
Solutions are not found, they are created.


A third year Integrated Engineering student studying at UBC Vancouver, who grew up in Coquitlam, BC.
I am a very passionate person who loves robotics, engineering as a whole, and spending time in the backcountry.


High Level and general Software

Robot Operating System (ROS 1 + 2) 2.5 years of semi-daily experience. Advanced ability. MoveIt inverse kinematics, Nav2 stack, hardware interfaces, drivers, and general ROS CLI tools.
C++ 4 years experience. Advanced ability.
HTML, CSS, Java, Python Intermediate ability.
Git and Github CLI 2 years experience. Advanced ability.
OpenCV and custom object detection Intermediate ability.
Sensor Meshing 3D perception with Lidar, RGBD cameras. GNSS/GPS data.

Electrical and Embedded Systems

Zephyr RTOS 3 months experience. Currenty developing position + velocity based serial-controlled firmware for a 20 Hz, 6-DOF robotic arm for inverse kinematics.
General mechatronics circuit design 5 years experience. Planning and assembling proof-of-concept circuits.
C++ firmware and MCUs. (ESP32, Teensy, Arduino). Communication protocols (TCP/IP, Serial). General I/O
Power systems Energy storage/various battery types, EMF protection

Design, Manufacturing and Managment

Software Lead on UBC Rover 2022 - Present
Electrical Labratory Manager / UBC Integrated Engineering program / August 2023 - Present
Proficient in CAD
Basic experience in materials
Manufacturing methods including laser-cutting, water-jetting and 3D printing.
Proficient with hand tools commonly used for mechanical and electrical prototyping.
MIG Welding and Lathe Trained